Manuel Pimentel Siles - Onesta

Manuel Pimentel Siles

| Of Counsel de Baker & McKenzie

Editor of Almuzara Publishers

Manuel is Of Counsel at Baker & McKenzie where he advises on negotiation, mediation and conflict management. He has also created and participated in various companies linked to engineering, technology and the environment and participated on various Boards of Directors in companies of recognised prestige. Along with his extensive business experience, he has an important political and institutional career, having been a Member of Parliament for Andalusia, General Secretary for Employment and Minister for Labour and Social Affairs. In addition, Manuel is an Editor at Almuzara Publishers and has a large number of books and publications in renowned publishers in the country.

Manuel is Of Counsel at Baker & McKenzie where he advises on negotiation, mediation and conflict management. He is also the editor of Almuzara Publishers, which encompasses an important group of specialised publishers. He has created and participated in various companies linked to engineering, technology and the environment. He has also participated on various Boards of Directors in prestigious companies such as: El Monte, Endesa, Telefónica, Hunosa and Astilleros Españoles. He chaired the international engineering firm Globaltec SL, of which he was also a Director. He has extensive experience collaborating with family businesses, being a member of the Advisory Board of MAYORAL, ISS, LLYC and ONESTA.

In addition to his extensive business experience, Manuel has had an important political and institutional career. He has been a Member of Parliament for Andalusia for two terms and an Economic Spokesman. He was General Secretary for Employment (Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs) from 1996-1999, culminating his political career as Minister for Labour and Social Affairs from 1999-2000. At an institutional level, he chaired the AEC – Spanish Association of Consultancy Companies – from 2011-2016, he was a defence lawyer at ARAG legal insurance from 2011-2015 and he also chaired the Montilla-Moriles Denomination of Origin Regulatory Council from 2005-2013.

Manuel has a large number of books and publications with major publishers in the country such as Almuzara, Ariel or Planeta. Over the years he has developed a remarkable creative capacity that has led him to publish nine novels, twelve essays, four books of stories, two books of interviews, and a technical publication, and he has coordinated four important studies and monographs in the economic and social-labour field.

He is Director and presenter of the programme ARQUEOMANÍA on TVE2 and regularly collaborates with different media such as, MuyEmpresas&Economía, and the magazine Directives and Companies. He is director of several non-profit foundations and institutions and is Trustee of the Blas Infante Foundation, the Independent Foundation and the Mashuano Foundation.

Along with his extensive business experience, he has an important political and institutional career, having been a Member of Parliament for Andalusia, General Secretary for Employment and Minister for Labour and Social Affairs.

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Manuel Pimentel Siles - Onesta



Promoting its use as a great alternative for building more natural, healthy environments.

Manuel Pimentel Siles - Onesta



Commitment to wood, to the environment and to our origin. Onesta was created with the aim of leading the development and transformation of the sector.

Manuel Pimentel Siles - Onesta



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